A New American School of String Playing TM
The O'Connor Method Official Website
The O'Connor Method Official Website
Registry of Certified O'Connor Method Teachers
INSTRUMENT KEY : Violin (V), Viola (VA),  Cello (C),  Doublebass (B), Orchestra (O)
“I teach both privately and in the public schools and your method holds my students' interest better than other methods I've used. They are obviously practicing more!” -Shawn Smith, Mississippi

“My students just love the O'Connor Method. Every single tune has something new to learn, technical skills and creativity is the core of the method. Everybody can improvise and read music the same time. I love it.” - Raimundo Nilton Silva, New York

"My parents say they have to ask kids to stop practicing. It has "saved" some transfer students. It has saved me, too." - Melissa Tatreau

"My daughter recently switched to the Mark O'Connor method in her private lessons. Now I have to tell her it's time to stop practicing instead of forcing her to start. Thank you for such a beautiful and well-thought-out method. Thank you for inspiring my daughter." - Debbie Martinez